Thursday, December 4, 2014

Day four Unfolding of Destiny


For a while I was reading a lot of Greek mythology with my daughter. Telling her stories of Gods and the journeys of the demi Gods. Athena really resonated with her and I loved it.  Athena’s symbol is an owl.

When I look this painting I see this wise owl perched just outside of a cave. What is that cave? What is the gold just outside of it. As an abstract painter on a constant visual journey of self-discovery, this work is as much about the exploration of learned wisdom as it is about the layers of the subconscious and the inner wisdom that is reflected in our outer world.

This concept is a direct reflection of Dr. Carl Jung’s theories of the collective unconscious and where the myths and archetypes are stored.  For me this work connects to that directly. The unfolding of destiny is really a journey into our own deeper self.  And as we discover the myths and archetypes within us and shed light on them, we bring them forth from the unconscious to the conscious mind. This is when we free ourselves. This is where the real unfolding of our destiny can begin.

The Unfolding of Destiny
Acrylic on Canvas
16 x 20

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