Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I wish canvases came with an alarm button that said, " STOP YOU ARE OVER WORKING YOUR PAINTING!" because right now, I can't even see this painting anymore and I think I am going mad. I have been working on a series of three paintings entitled, "Waterfall Revisited".  I was commissioned to create a painting for a wonderful lady based on my business card which carries an image I created a long time ago called, you guessed it, "Waterfall". The original image is only 8"x10" and it lives in Holland with its now owner. This time I have been challenged to re-create it on a much larger scale and it is now 3' x 4'.  Originally, I was only going to do one image and after stretching the canvas and beginning the painting, my partner, and fellow painter, Joseph Sikora, suggested that I do not only one, but three. I would not be putting so much pressure on myself for the one perfect painting, but could be more flexible and give the commissioner the best one of three. The deadline for completion is knocking on my door and I am going back and forth between two of the three paintings thinking "Oh this one is the best...no, wait - this one is...no wait...Ah!" Ok, I do have to laugh at this point and take a serious break from painting. Food seems a great option right now because so far my morning has been engulfed in turpentine, liquin, coffee and cigarettes.  I will attempt to upload these images as soon as I find my camera, which has somehow disappeared into the abyss that is our shared studio. At the moment, I think it is best I go find something to eat.

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