Silent Warrior / Peaceful
Wow. This piece is a large
piece. I have titled it both Silent Warrior and Peaceful Warrior at times. It is magical (I really love that word) and
mysterious, powerful and hopeful. Its predominant color is green. There is a
touch of blue but the striking offset is the dark red area to the right of the
painting. In that area there is an entire other story taking place as you
slowly begin to see figures emerge. Who
are they and what are they doing?
Truthfully, I can only write
from the perspective of the artist. I know though, that who ultimately has this
piece join their family, the meaning of these figures will shift entirely. For
me they are the watchful eye within that makes sure we remain true to ourselves
no matter how dense the surroundings seem.
Sometimes to know how great our strengths are, we have to delve deep
into the unknown dark places within ourselves. This piece informs the viewer
about their own inner warrior and the courage to face our darkest parts. And it
is also about the inner protector, the guardian who ensures we re-merge,
victorious, after delving so deep within our own caves. This journey begins with our inner warrior
and ends with us becoming our own hero.
Silent Warrior
Oil on Canvas
36 x 48
Oil on Canvas
36 x 48
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