Joe has introduced me to Hans Hoffman's Push and Pull Theory in Abstract Expressionism. Although I have been painting for nearly ten years, I am a self-taught artist who has only recently become surrounded by other artists. Needless to say my hunger for knowledge is great. After looking at one of my latest paintings in this series, Sikora takes me to the computer to learn of the Push Pull theory; "that color and form could create spatial depth and movement within a picture plane in much the same manner as traditional, linear perspective" or, as I interpret it, how one's eye must be drawn in and out and around the canvas. It inspires me and makes me realize what I have begun to do: to constrain myself within my own freedom of expression. Within these self constraints my painting lost its ability to push and pull the viewer around the canvas; for within constraint, there is no honesty - no genuine story to be realized.
I am still working feverishly on this series. Ironically, I seem to be getting the most response from people from the third painting. The one I haven't considered selling; the one I stopped all thinking whilst creating. I think you can feel it. Being an abstract expressionist i find it odd that i would dare try to constrict myself while painting. But for me, at times, I begin a painting with total freedom and later feel the need to "sew it up" with constraints. Some sort of idea that my viewers will need logic within the disorder. Fuck that. I am learning again the careful dedication of free-creation. b.
Its 2am. I am going back to painting. Freely.
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