Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Day Thirteen - Breathless Light

Today we feature a work called Breathless Light. What I love about this work is that it holds a world of color underneath a layer of ambiguous white. Bold pallet knife statements of green, show the heart of the painting connecting with the bright new beginning begging to realized. It is symbolic of the sun rising over the past evening heralding a new start. 
This painting is a gift to you. In that I am only positing it for a bid. If you want this painting, simply email me with how much you would like to pay for it. Keep in mind that shipping will add $40.00 to the price.  But this is my way to say, thank you for all the support. Thank you for the love of my art. If this painting can come into your life and signal your new beginning, it would make my heart sing with joy. You deserve so much beauty in your life. 
Breathless Light.
Oil on Canvas
16 x 20

Here is to an amazing new beginning in your life!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Day Twelve Golden Mean

Originally the inspiration for the title of this painting was from the Griffen and Sabine trilogy. The heart of the story of Griffin and Sabine lies in their search for their own "golden mean"—the harmony of perfect balance. 

In ourselves we have such dualistic natures.  Often, especially for this artist,  life has lead to me discovering my own balance within myself. Art has been a huge catalyst in the success of this.

Author F. Suela summarizes that "The golden mean in philosophy, especially in Aristotelian philosophy, is the desirable middle between two extremes, one of excess and the other of deficiency. In Buddhism, this is referred to as the “middle way.” In mathematics, the golden mean is a concept which expresses the relationship of two parts of a whole with each other and with the whole."

This painting brings that desired vision of harmony into play as the viewer also attempts to realize the visual balance in the work as it reflects in their own self.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Day Eleven Evolving Windows

Holiday Online Studio Sale
Over the month of December I am hosting a Holiday Sale on several pieces of work. This is the eleventh piece.

Evolving Windows is a horizontal painting. It is about moving along the timeline of our lives. How we evolve, how do the windows (vistas) internal and external evolve as we move forward. It is a stunning piece.

Evolving Windows
Oil on Canvas
12 x 24
Original Price $700.00
Holiday Price $500.00 Ends Jan. 2
Email info@liztuckwell.com

Friday, December 19, 2014

Day Ten Peacock's Feather

Holiday Online Studio Sale
Over the month of December I am hosting a Holiday Sale on several pieces of work. This is the tenth piece.

Peacock's Feather is a beautiful painting. Its blurred lines and hide and seek playfulness keep the painting in constant motion. It a dashing bold and beautiful piece. The fields of green and blue play harmoniously. This painting is always giving the viewer something new with each glance.

Like all great art, what the viewer sees in the piece changes as the viewer changes and grows in his/her own life.  This is a great painting to build a relationship with.

Peacock's Feather
Oil on Canvas
18 x 20
Original Price $600.00
Holiday Price $500.00 Ends Jan. 2
Email info@liztuckwell.com

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Day Nine The Invitation

The Invitation is a painting quite close to my heart. So here is what it means to me. If you notice most of the painting is clouded. Several layers reveal on small moments of what lies beneath.  When the clouds give way over these small areas, we see this there is clarity underneath it all. 
I guess we can all choose between staying in the muck, staying confused is safer, it is comfortable. It may not be what you wanted, but at least you know it. Moments appear from time to time to reveal small snapshots of what could be if there one dares to go beneath the surface. Face the unknown and breath freely in a new landscape. 
To the left of the painting is an area of white. To the left of that is a figure which is beckoning. "Come. Come to a new landscape within yourself. It is waiting, always." The invitation is the calling to the new and greater part of ourselves always waiting to be discovered. There is nothing greater than the greater part of you.

The Invitation
Acrylic on Canvas
16 x 20

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Day Eight Silent Warrior

Silent Warrior / Peaceful Warrior

Wow. This piece is a large piece. I have titled it both Silent Warrior and Peaceful Warrior at times.  It is magical (I really love that word) and mysterious, powerful and hopeful. Its predominant color is green. There is a touch of blue but the striking offset is the dark red area to the right of the painting. In that area there is an entire other story taking place as you slowly begin to see figures emerge.  Who are they and what are they doing?

Truthfully, I can only write from the perspective of the artist. I know though, that who ultimately has this piece join their family, the meaning of these figures will shift entirely. For me they are the watchful eye within that makes sure we remain true to ourselves no matter how dense the surroundings seem.  Sometimes to know how great our strengths are, we have to delve deep into the unknown dark places within ourselves. This piece informs the viewer about their own inner warrior and the courage to face our darkest parts. And it is also about the inner protector, the guardian who ensures we re-merge, victorious, after delving so deep within our own caves.   This journey begins with our inner warrior and ends with us becoming our own hero.

Silent Warrior
Oil on Canvas
36 x 48

Monday, December 15, 2014

Day Seven Symphony Unfolding

Symphony Unfolding is about the upward trajectory of our lives. If we are on a path, I like to believe it is upward bound.

There is a magnificent quote by Richard Bach,  Having climbed certain peaks you'll descend no more, but spread your wings and fly beyond.”  With the hope and promise the colors and the motion of this piece deliver, it is easy to see why I have paired it with this quote. Simply stated, it inspires.  This is the ascension in progress, to the next level of our lives.

I have often said that in life we are both the conductor and the symphony; made up of so many important parts. As this inner symphony unfolds we grow closer and closer to ourselves. The more we live, the more we grow and the more we unfold. The more we unfold, the more we live, grow..unfold...you get it.

Symphony Unfolding
Acrylic on Canvas
16 x 20

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Day Six Dios in Slumber

Holiday Online Studio Sale
Over the month of December I am hosting a Holiday Sale on several pieces of work. This is the sixth one.

Today we feature a work called Dios in Slumber. It is a work on an experimental type of canvas panel. I like this texture, it is rough and smooth at the same time. I think it adds to the piece.

The great power this painting shows is its sense of warmth. I remember that when I was painting it I felt like I was finding new ways to reveal intimate details about myself with broad movements of color. When the white came in like a cloud, and contained this mysterious eye, it was akin to that part within that is powerful, yet quiet. That which is a compliment to the whole self and not an overpowering force of just one aspect.

Dios in Slumber
Oil on Panel
8 x 10
Original Price $200.00
Holiday Price $125.00 Ends Jan. 2
Email info@liztuckwell.com

Monday, December 8, 2014

Day Five Yellow


Holiday Online Studio Sale
Over the month of December I am hosting a Holiday Sale on several pieces of work. This is the fifth one. 

Today we feature a work called Yellow. I love the combination of yellow ochre and yellow and gold. None of these colors overpower or are offensive, as yellow sometimes can be.

The painting is again playing with depths as some of the work fades in clearly to the surface while other elements are waiting to be revealed.

And then there is the return of the amazing signature element that once appeared in so many of my earlier paintings.  The element that stands above the rest of the painting; Is it waiting, is it watching? Is it part of the self? This element is the essence of the human spirit that is triumph in motion - that has no equal and can never be touched. A part you know well. It is in all of us.

Oil on Canvas
16 x 20
Original Price $650.00
Holiday Price $400.00 Ends Jan. 2

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Day four Unfolding of Destiny


For a while I was reading a lot of Greek mythology with my daughter. Telling her stories of Gods and the journeys of the demi Gods. Athena really resonated with her and I loved it.  Athena’s symbol is an owl.

When I look this painting I see this wise owl perched just outside of a cave. What is that cave? What is the gold just outside of it. As an abstract painter on a constant visual journey of self-discovery, this work is as much about the exploration of learned wisdom as it is about the layers of the subconscious and the inner wisdom that is reflected in our outer world.

This concept is a direct reflection of Dr. Carl Jung’s theories of the collective unconscious and where the myths and archetypes are stored.  For me this work connects to that directly. The unfolding of destiny is really a journey into our own deeper self.  And as we discover the myths and archetypes within us and shed light on them, we bring them forth from the unconscious to the conscious mind. This is when we free ourselves. This is where the real unfolding of our destiny can begin.

The Unfolding of Destiny
Acrylic on Canvas
16 x 20

Day 3 Chagall's Window Revisited

Holiday Online Studio Sale
Over the month of December I am hosting a Holiday Sale on several pieces of work. This is the third one.

This is a work on paper. I rarely work on paper because I am usually drawn to the canvas.  But what working on paper allows me to do is to create in a way that is even more introspective.  It is as if the whole world has been reduced to a small island consisting only of myself, my workspace, my paints and my brushes. This work was initially done with pen, then layered with watercolors, acrylics and iridescent highlights. I really love the circles. I love the glow of the colors that are highlighted.

This painting is reminiscent of a painted I created many years ago, "Chagalls' Window". That painting, while on canvas, was a lovely homage to the inspiring work of Marc Chagall's  Windows.  I love Chagall’s blues and his windows in Chicago. So lucky to have had his work be part of my visual background. Thank you Art Institute!   

One thing I love about this piece is the movement. You can literally travel this painting and enjoy every part along the journey.

Elements of the work become amazing features that could work on their own.

I was really pleased with this work but, because it was unlike my other work, I never showed it.  When I was editing the work for the online sale, I felt this would be a great opportunity to share something I hadn’t before.  It is always fun to peek into the private collection of an artist.  I hope you agree.  

Questions or comments about the work are always welcome!
Chagall's Window Revisited

Work on Paper
Original Price $200.00
Holiday Price $100.00 (ends Jan 2.)
Includes domestic shipping.
Email: info@liztuckwell.com

You may pay via Check, Credit Card OR Paypal.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Day 2 Within the Dusk

Little paintings are perfect for offices and smaller places. This 8 x 10 beauty is a twin of a painting called “Within the Sunset”.  I remember painting them right before my solo show. I really had not painted in a while and I needed to warm up my painting arm, so to speak. What was really nice about this painting was that it rolled out of me so effortlessly, as if it was waiting on the canvas invisibly for someone to bring it to life. 

I stood back from it, so pleased. I was surprised that the color orange had been so strong. I remember writing about this earlier.  When I paint with a color, it is as if that color becomes my voice. It speaks volumes about the emotions pouring into the work. The orange felt so good. It was bold. It was vibrant. I had been living a more muted palette in my lifestyle since I had not painted for a while and concentrated on mothering for so many years.  It was as if the strength of colors within me were sitting waiting knowing I would be back, even if at times, I was unsure of it.  

Having this painting in your life will be a reminder of the strength you possess, even when you forget.  

Within the Dusk

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Day 1 Spanish Dancer

It is so magical, beautiful and bold.  There is something very special about this painting. 

Spanish Dancer
43 x 52
Oil on Canvas

Monday, December 1, 2014

How lovely is this?

I got this email from a woman who I recently completed a commission for:

"N has taken the painting for framing should be ready in couple of weeks. I immediately felt so lonely when she took it.. Almost cried. I love it so much. Words can't thank you enough."

Then this: "Finally got the painting back from framers. It looks wonderful on the wall! Thank you so much for this beautiful creation! Love, B"

When I create custom work for someone, I take it so very seriously. I really like to spend time getting an idea of who they are, really, and what colors and compositions would not only compliment their world, but would best fit their personality, their home and ultimately become a friend. Because we do not just own a piece of art, we create a life long relationship with it. So when I get emails like this, it is so incredibly rewarding. I am so happy and honored that the work I create in this world has such impact and such meaning.
