I am working through this painting right now. Not on, but through. I say that because I have been painting it for nearly a month and it has changed faces so many times, I can barely keep track.
At times I get so frustrated because I cannot see where this painting is going. Sometimes I am in the throws of unexpected bliss because an aspect of it is purely sublime. Then I change it, of course. I have no doubt that when this painting is complete, it will be amazing. But the uncertainty along the way reminds me that in my own life, sometimes it is ok just not to know.
I am a very solution based thinker, an action oriented, deadline driven gal. And then life happens and reminds me that honestly I never really know how anything is going to turn out because there is something wonderful about elements of life coalescing in the seamless and perfect way that I could have never predicted. Life, like my paintings, is bigger than my ego mind, or my how to mind. Being lost in this painting is such a gift because I look at my table and I see I have everything I need to create this work of art. Perhaps a dollop of patience would be handy too.
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