Saturday, January 4, 2014

Day 4 Conversations Unheard

Outside the weather was getting worse. Snow was decreasing visibility by the second. I knew that every moment in my studio made my drive home that bit scarier. I painted frantically, purposely and with an entire cauldron of passion. Time was of the essence. I was thirsty but didn't have time to wait for my tea to cool and as I inhaled it, it burned my throat and woke me up even more. I was alive to paint tonight. I drove the 2 miles in the dark with snow falling to create work for this challenge. To paint everyday. And if there is anything I am dedicated to besides my daughter, it is my first child, my art. Today as I stopped at a red light and saw people scrambling through cold winds and lashes of snow to make it to their destinations - I thought, where are they going?, where did they come from?..who will they tell about today? The infinite number of conversations I would never hear. And so I went to my studio and painted them. The myriad of conversations on a winter's night. Conversations Unheard 16 x 20 Oil Inquire for purchase. Stay warm. Much Love, Liz

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