Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Day 16 Within the Cave

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes

Within the Cave
Work on Paper

Inquire for Purchase

Monday, January 20, 2014

Day 15 The Breakthrough

I titled this painting The Breakthrough. I see a figure bent over in deep contemplation. Around him, his world is burning; completely decimated. Everything he once knew is now gone. Yet, for the first time in a long time, if ever, he is finally at peace and completely content with himself. The only things that remain are memories, feelings and thoughts. All that is tangible is gone and nothing that truly remains can ever be destroyed. The peace that comes from this moment is the breakthrough.

The Breakthrough
 36 x 36

Inquire for Purchase


Friday, January 17, 2014

Day 14 Play in the Fields

This is one of the more cathartic paintings I have. From time to time a painting will evoke a flood of emotions. I paint, I cry, I laugh, I paint and I stand back from the piece feeling like it was such a huge gift to me to have the opportunity to release and reflect. This was that painting.

Play in the Fields
36 x 36
Inquire for Purchase


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day 13 Cave Within

There are so many parts of us we have only yet to discover. They remain hidden until we can unlock more of the code of ourselves. Every day, every step, every conversation; all steps to unlocking more of ourselves.  This painting stands as that story. The cave within so deep, profound and beautiful. Always there. Waiting for us to find ourselves.

Cave Within
18 x 24

Inquire for Purchase

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day 12...Warmth

I am still here - actively participating and generating paintings and reflecting on art at all times. Today when I was finally back in the studio, I felt like I missed being there more than ever. Now that my time is so precious, I am like a kid in a candy shop when I am there; wanting to accomplish so much. Initially I put off painting to write lists, organize my blogs, my newsletter, my year ahead. In the middle of it all, I look up at my easel and we both have the same thought - Just Paint. The lists can wait, but this painting can't.

When I finished I had a painting I had fallen in love with, yet again. It warmed me in every way.
Painting is like taking the first breath of air after being submerged in water for a week. It works wonders, every time.

16 x 20

Inquire for Purchase

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Day 11 Rise of the Iceberg

What a funny name for a painting? But honestly, when I look at it, I see this almost forgotten desert of ice. It seems so cold and lifeless. Yet, in the center of it all, rises this larger-than-life iceberg. It is different than all the others; standing boldly and proud. Don't assume all ice is cold because this one is made of gold. Reminds me of something I once read, "Amazing awaits where you least expect it." That is the essence of this painting.

Rise of the Iceberg
4 x 4
Inquire for Purchase 

Inspired Art Sessions:


Saturday, January 11, 2014

Day 10 Within the Dusk

Within the Dusk is a twin of Within the Sunset, an earlier painting I created this past summer. The colors are bold and vivid. I don't often use orange with such a strong hand, but in this case it felt right. Enjoy!

Within the Dusk
8 x 10
Inquire for Purchase 


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 8 Untitled

Yesterday caught me off guard. I anticipated working on an older painting, but once in my studio, I cracked open a fresh canvas and started a fresh palette of paints. I needed to reset my compass and for me painting is the best way to do that.

But what of a title? Was the slate so clean that I couldn't even find a title for it. So this painting remains untitled..for now.

16 x 20
Inquire for Purchase


private art sessions:


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day 7 - The Arrival

I love the mysterious quality of this painting. It reminds me of all of the things on their way into our lives that are slowly appearing but we can't quite see. There is a bond of trust that ties our now and our future together.

The Arrival 12 x 24
Inquire for Purchase

Inspired Art Sessions:


Monday, January 6, 2014

Day 6 - Evening by the Fire

With today in Chicago being -18 below zero, how could I resist a title like this. Enjoy the work and I hope it sends a lovely warm feeling all throughout. Evening by the Fire 4 x 4 Oil Inquire for Purchase www.liztuckwell.com create.liztuckwell.com info@liztuckwell.com

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Day 4 Conversations Unheard

Outside the weather was getting worse. Snow was decreasing visibility by the second. I knew that every moment in my studio made my drive home that bit scarier. I painted frantically, purposely and with an entire cauldron of passion. Time was of the essence. I was thirsty but didn't have time to wait for my tea to cool and as I inhaled it, it burned my throat and woke me up even more. I was alive to paint tonight. I drove the 2 miles in the dark with snow falling to create work for this challenge. To paint everyday. And if there is anything I am dedicated to besides my daughter, it is my first child, my art. Today as I stopped at a red light and saw people scrambling through cold winds and lashes of snow to make it to their destinations - I thought, where are they going?, where did they come from?..who will they tell about today? The infinite number of conversations I would never hear. And so I went to my studio and painted them. The myriad of conversations on a winter's night. Conversations Unheard 16 x 20 Oil Inquire for purchase. Stay warm. Much Love, Liz www.liztuckwell.com create.liztuckwell.com info@liztuckwell.com

Friday, January 3, 2014

Day 3 Painting: Ether in Blue

I will forever be captivated by the poetic nature of the color blue. I don't think I have ever investigated anything else as intimately than this sublime color. Here she is married with daker and lighter hues of herself.

Ether in Blue 8 x 10 Oil

Inquire for purchase:


Inspired Art Sessions create.liztuckwell.com

Day 2 Seedlings Revisited

It is so refreshing to be alive and spirited and creating in a new studio. Since I moved in, I have been revisiting work I started quite a while ago. This is why some paintings take years to finish - it takes me, the artist, years to acquire internally what is needed to create this externally.

Seedlings Revisited.
Oil on Canvas
 24 x 24

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 Starts with Green...

For day one of the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge enjoy! Eternal City by Liz Tuckwell 8 x 10 100. info@liztuckwel.com more work at www.liztuckwell.com