Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Rantings, Pantings and Paintings

I deleted that previous post because I was entirely too frustrated to write. I wrote preachy stuff. It wasn't my place to do so. I was frustrated that the most of the crowd who attended our art show cared less about art then they did for the free wine we had, etc. I say now that I truly hope for those who genuinely care about the arts to start coming to our shows too.

Nonetheless, I am still here and still devilishly inspired. I want to share with you some images. (Yes! I finally found my camera - No, don't ask where it was!)

The image below is the "don't think just paint" painting i am working on.

This additional image is a before an after image. The before image is an example of me beginning to be free and then stopping within myself. The after image is the one where I simply decided to have fun. I blasted the music and went to town with colors and textures and madness and let me tell you it felt fantastic. I am not sure if you can feel the painting from looking at it online, but I fall more in love with this painting each day. I invite you to come look at it in person...

1 comment :

Unknown said...

I am not sure if you have them side by side of you painted over the 'before' one but i guess you did. in any case what i wanted to say is that i really liked how when they stand side by side you see a growth and development
well done